i love old books. the way they smell. the texture of their pages. their binding. i find them fascinating. they tell stories not on their pages. who read them before me? what great cities or small fields have they traveled to? recently i was given some old books. i believe by my father. one is an interesting little treasure. it's called God's Minute, A book of 365 Daily Prayers, Sixty Seconds long For Home Worship.
each day of the year has a prayer written by "365 Eminent Clergymen and Laymen." i don't know what qualifies one as eminent or how one becomes one of the 365 such eminent people. its copyright date is 1916.
today while cleaning my office i found this book again and read the first three days. i thought i would share the prayer from january 1.
Open to me the gates of righteousness: i will go in to them, and I will praise the Lord.
- Psalm 118:19
Our Heavenly Father, we pause at the opening of this day to place ourselves in harmony with Thy great plans. We know that it is unwise and sinful to oppose or attempt to hinder Thy purposes. Hear our humble appeal for Divine wisdom, for spiritual sensitiveness to Thy messages, for broader views of our duty, and for the peace of God which fills the soul when working in full harmony with Tee. Let each of these blessings be given to all whom we love. Incline them to stop and pray - to watch and act, under the impulses which come from Heaven. Make known Thy love and law to all people in all lands, and hasten the ear when all mankind shall accept the teachings of Thy Son, and of the Holy Prophets, and thus in sincere agreement live in peace with all, and in full obedience and devoting to Thy Holy Will. We ask these great blessing in the Name of our Lord Jesus, Thy Son, and our Redeemer. Amen.
Russel H. Conwell, D.D., Philadelphia, PA
just a few questions to ponder perhaps:
- am i in harmony with God's great plans? or am i seeking my great schemes?
- do i see God's plans as great? or do i view His will as a burdensome weights i must carry?
- how often am i asking God for His wisdom? how often am i trying to live life relying on my knowledge and know how?
- how broad is my view of my duty? do i really get a glimpse of what God requires?
- am i bound by what i can see, feel and touch? do i allow God to be God and move in ways that are beyond my comprehension?
- do i have the peace of God? do i understand that the peace of God might be connected to my obedience/my harmony with His will?
- is my view of the mercies of God extending to "all people in all lands"? or do i wait with expectancy for God's judgement on the wicked unaware that without His grace i too am naught but wicked?
- do i get that knowledge and acceptance of the Son affects my "peace with all"? or am i looking only at how others treat me?
what prayer should we know offer for this new year in light of this one man's prayer from almost 100 years ago?