
fast food moments - fasting post 1

please remember to not comment - see prior post for explanation
last night i had a craving. i was hungry. for what? for nothing in particular. i had eaten lunch and dinner - good and well - so what was it my body longed for? not sure, but off staci and i went to sonic. she, a sonic expertise, was thrilled to take me to sonic for my first experience. and i was well prepared to find something tasty and good and fast and fried.

as we pulled up behind the suv ordering (which we mused that it would be quite fun to holler out the amount of calories or hours of exercise needed to burn calories consumed for everything he was ordering) i realized that i couldn't eat anything. no fast food. drinks yes, but no food. amazingly i wasn't that disappointed. i found myself a fun shake and went merrily home just the same.

but it made me wonder how often i live life just like that. i want. i go. i get. how often do i live moment to moment, craving to craving, filling to filling? we live like two year olds with ADHD. moving flitlessly from shiny object to shiny object. what if i quit moving so fast? slowed down. made choices based on the slow, but sure movement of time. what would i see? what am i missing darting here and there after this and that? filled but lacking nevertheless.

i wonder if this was part of what Jesus was getting at when He told the disciples who had tried to release a demon possessed boy that "this kind can only come out only by prayer". prayer forces us to stop. forces us to look somewhere else besides at everything else around us. forces us to see what we need amidst all that we have. forces us to acknowledge our reliance on us.

maybe that is part of why fasting is good. we become conscious of our actions. the daily things we do, that we need - even like food - but are so engrossed in and by them that the Bread of Life, the One with water that causes you to never thirst again, is forgotten. and here in the forgotten things we find what we remembered all along. what is true to our original souls.

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