As if I have no other books to read (have 3 to read for my FLAME classes in March, one I'm reading with Scott, one book of the Bible I'm studying with Scott and another book I'm reading with Aimee) I've decided to join in on the HerStories Memoir Challenge.
4 months. 4 memoirs. From the website there is a description of just what this challenge is:
Telling Her Stories is all about encouraging women to tell their life stories. And not only to tell their stories, but to embrace and share them. Some women choose to publish their memoir, others write for themselves. Whatever your ultimate publication goals are, writers learn best by reading other writers. What better way to explore the wonderful world of women's memoir than to host a book challenge?
You choose 4 women's memoirs to read over a 4 month period. I'm starting a month behind. Thankfully though, I recently bought one of the books they recommend - Called out of Darkness: A Spiritual Confession by Anne Rice.
I'll be writing a review to on each book and would love to hear from you all if you have read any great memoirs by women and/or if you decide to join the challenge too.
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