

as if I have the answers, they come
as if i, childless and barren, possess wisdom of old souls.
like grandmothers on porches swinging with the rhythmic voice of time
can offer tested principles of life that has flowed within and without
from my innermost places. no heart beat has ever
beat against my abdomen; there is no knowledge
that has been imparted that lets me answer life’s complexities.

and inside i’m tested and torn, ragged clothes not fit for the pauper’s son
if he had one. if we pulled the blinds back
i’d be exposed, poor and undone, like mismatched socks i am.
the landscaped front belies the disheveled rooms.
and still they come, driving by to admire what they perceive to be

and only i seem to see the truth
i am but a scared child, lost with no map
living off instinct.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps it is they who see what you do not?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is so right on.

Rebekah said...

Wow, you can make the words flow!

a few thoughts from my perspective (weird as that may be)

*childless & barren people do possess wisdom too you know- lots in fact

*there is no knowledge to answer life's complexities imparted to those who have had a heart beat inside them- I wish there were, parenthood would be so much easier-we all struggle to find answers & we all live and learn from the many and different experiences we are faced with and can only answer part of life's questions

*many of us feel that we are a mess on the inside and that we have this front to put up for others- but who knows, maybe we don't see ourselves the way we really are