
i'm old - the proof is in the oreo's

so i'm taking care of a midnight craving for oreo cookies at my local hy-vee store. problem is i can't find the oreos. yes i know they are in the cookie aisle and i know what they look like. but i can't find them. or more accurately i can't find the kind i want. i can find peanut butter creme oreo cookies and mint creme oreo cookies and chocolate creme oreo cookies (all double stuf). there are, of course, several double stuf oreo cookies for my tasting enjoyment, but no plain old original oreo cookies. that's all i wanted. just plain old oreo cookies.

after much scanning i locate them on the next to last shelf from the bottom. all the way to the right a few spare packages sit. it's not that they are so popular that there's only a few left. no it's all the space hy-vee has chosen to spare this original form of oreo cookie. and this isn't the first time i've had this experience in a cookie aisle looking for oreo cookies.

so i think to myself, at 12:33 AM, now irritated rather than delighted at my found package of original oreo cookies, "what is wrong with the original? what? they aren't good enough? what happen to this oreo cookie being the latest and greatest in cookie invention and dunking sensation?" i found myself wondering what had happened to this world. where had we gone wrong? wishing for the good old days when original oreo cookies were the bomb! and they didn't have to compete with these new fangled cookies, when they were just good enough and we were happy with original oreo cookies.

and as i passed my money over to the lady at the cash register, it happened. i turned old.

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